London Centre for Work and Health

‘We aim to create a centre of excellence for research in work and health by fostering and supporting collaborative, multi-disciplinary research. Our focus is to promote healthy participation in work for all.’
— The LCHW Team
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Our Vision
To facilitate  working-age people to have and maintain healthy, fulfilling work through a multidisciplinary research centre focusing on work and health. We will increase capacity in work and health research by fostering academic collaboration and encouraging and nurturing researchers in this field.
Our Mission
1. To become a leading centre of research excellence - and source of expertise - in matters relating to work, health, and disease
2. To establish new, and foster existing, partnerships by bringing together researchers and scientists from different specialties: occupational and respiratory medicine; occupational psychiatry and psychology; epidemiology and biostatistics; sociology; policy analysis and health economics with patient, public, and employer representation
3. To develop and undertake novel research examining the relationship between health, disease, and work
4. To nurture and develop new (clinical and non-clinical) researchers in the field of work and health
5. To deliver high impact research outputs that inform government policy, clinical practice, and human resource practices to improve the health outcomes of the working-age population
6. To provide a supportive education, training, and mentoring environment for early-career academics
Centre Members

The centre comprises six primary areas of interest, with expert theme leads:
Occupational epidemiology and data linkage (Dr Sharon Stevelink)
Mental health (Dr Danielle Lamb)
Musculoskeletal health (Dr Lisa Newington)
Occupational health (Dr Vaughan Parsons and Dr Kathleen Lin)
Occupational psychology (Dr Jo Yarker)
Respiratory diseases (Dr Johanna Feary)